Section 45-49-245.02
Disposition of funds.
Within 21 days of the receipt of the fees required by this section, the Tax Collector of Mobile County shall pay the following amounts as designated for each stamp fee received:
(1) Thirty cents ($0.30) to the University of South Alabama Medical Center to help provide for the costs of medical care.
(2) Three cents ($0.03) to Mobile County to be used for providing emergency ambulance service in the underserved areas of Mobile County.
(3) Three cents ($0.03) to the City of Mobile Paramedic Rescue Squads to be used for providing emergency service in the City of Mobile.
(4) Three cents ($0.03) to Mobile County to be used to provide parks and other recreational facilities in the unincorporated areas of Mobile County and in any municipality, exclusive of the City of Mobile.
(5) Three cents ($0.03) to the City of Mobile to be used to provide parks and other recreational facilities in the City of Mobile.
(6)a. Six cents ($0.06) to be provided jointly to the Sheriff of Mobile County and the Police Commissioner of the City of Mobile to be used to support and encourage community watch patrols in the City of Mobile and Mobile County. The funds shall be used to provide equipment for community watch patrols, including CB mobile and base units, and identification signs, and to provide for equipment, materials, and personnel to support and increase local community watch patrols by establishing liaison personnel within the Mobile Police Department and the Sheriff’s Department of Mobile County. If a need for equipment as designated in this section exists among any organized community watch patrol, up to one half of the funds provided by this section during any given month shall be spent meeting those equipment needs. Provided, however, that the community watch patrol must provide no less than 20 percent of the costs of any equipment purchase. No community watch patrol shall receive more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) of equipment under this part until all community watch patrols have received similar amounts or have indicated in writing their willingness to forgo such financial assistance.
b. For the purpose of encouraging the orderly development of active community watch patrol organizations throughout Mobile County and for encouraging the continued development of existing community watch patrols, the Mobile Police Commissioner and the Sheriff of Mobile County shall receive the recommendations of the crime-in-eyes advisory council for the Mobile County community watch patrol as the recommendations shall pertain to providing equipment to community watch patrols. If any disagreements over expenditure of funds shall develop, the sheriff and the police commissioner, acting jointly, shall have final authority over the allocation of funds.
(7) Two cents ($0.02) shall be paid to the Tax Collector of Mobile County to cover the expenses incident to the implementation of this part.
(Act 79-657, p. 1137, §3.)