Prioritized List of Roads; Review; Coordination; Completion of Requirements.

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Section 45-49-181.03

Prioritized list of roads; review; coordination; completion of requirements.

On or prior to the first day of the month of February, the county commission shall submit copies of each petition received to the county engineer. The county engineer, on or prior to the last day of the month of March of the same year, shall return to the commission a prioritized list of the roads submitted by petitioners. This prioritized list shall be based on the density of development along each road. The list shall designate the commission district in which the road is located. The county commission shall review the list of eligible roads, and on or prior to the last day of April, shall return to the county engineer the prioritized list designating those roads which shall be considered for acceptance for the county road maintenance system in accordance with the prioritized density of development. The county commission shall concurrently notify the chair for the petitioners of each selected road to contact the county engineer to coordinate the right-of-way acquisition, utility relocations, fence relocations, and the purchase of driveway culvert pipe.

(Act 2019-307, § 5.)

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