Qualifications of Members.

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Section 45-49-151.01

Qualifications of members.

(a) The members of the commission shall be qualified electors not less than 19 years of age, who shall have resided in the county for the period of five years next preceding their appointment. Each commissioner shall take the same constitutional oath of office as other county officers, and shall give bond payable to the county in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000), conditioned that he or she will faithfully and properly perform the duties of his or her office. The premiums on such bonds shall be paid by the commission. The commission may employ such assistants and employees as may be necessary, but all such employees and assistants shall be subject to the county merit or civil service system, and their compensation and duties shall be prescribed in the same manner as the compensation and duties of other public employees subject to the county merit or civil service system.

(b) A member of the racing commission must not be an official member of any board of directors or person financially interested in any racetrack or race meeting licensed by the commission, nor shall he or she race dogs in any race meeting licensed by the commission.

(Act 86-416, p. 612, § 2; Act 86-545, p. 1082, § 2.)

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