Section 45-48-70.22
Leasesale, rental contracts.
All leasesale contracts and contracts for the rental or hire of materials, equipment, supplies, and services of any kind shall be in accordance with the state bid law applying to county governing bodies and Sections 45-48-70.19, 45-48-70.20, and 45-48-70.21, and such contracts shall not be made unless authorized by resolution or order of the commission made at a regular session of the commission. Any and all leasesale contracts, or contracts for the rental or hire of any such property, not made in conformity with this subpart shall be null and void; and it shall be unlawful for a warrant to be issued in payment thereof.
(Acts 1976, No. 616, p. 840, § 29; Acts 1976, No. 633, p. 870, § 29.)