Section 45-48-70.15
Work prohibited on private property except in certain cases.
The use of any county equipment, materials, or supplies or property of any nature in the custody of or under control of the commission for any kind of work, job, or project on property not owned by the county (excepting church grounds, cemeteries, any public school property of the Marshall County Board of Education or city board of education within Marshall County, and property owned by organizations composed entirely of United States war veterans) or on property outside the county, or the authorization of such work by the commission or by any member of the commission, is strictly prohibited. This section shall not apply to reciprocal agreements authorized by the commission between Marshall County and any adjoining counties when such agreements are deemed to be in the best interests of Marshall County. Violation of this section shall result in forfeiture of office and removal by impeachment of such member or members and in addition the forfeiture of the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000) to be covered by suit brought by a qualified elector of the county, one-half for use of such elector and one-half for use of the county.
(Acts 1976, No. 616, p. 840, § 22; Acts 1976, No. 633, p. 870, § 22.)