Purchase of Personal Property.

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Section 45-41-72.30

Purchase of personal property.

(a) The Lee County Commission may adopt supplemental purchasing processes for the purchase of personal property otherwise authorized to be purchased by the county. The supplemental purchasing process may provide for the use of vendor cards and procurement cards providing for the purchase and billing of the county for purchasing transactions.

(b) In adopting a supplemental purchasing process, the Lee County Commission shall assure that the process meets all of the following criteria:

(1) The process shall be in accordance with effective business practices.

(2) The process shall include safeguards to significantly reduce the risk of misappropriation of funds.

(3) The process shall achieve cost savings to the county.

(4) The process shall provide training to employees on the implementation and operation of purchasing procedures in compliance with this section.

(c) The Lee County Commission may receive rebates from any procurement card program. Any rebates shall be deposited in the Lee County General Fund to be used first to reimburse the county for any costs related to the operation of the supplemental purchasing process and thereafter for general county purposes.

(d) This section is enacted pursuant to the authority of the county commission to direct, control, and manage the property of the county pursuant to subdivision (1) of Section 11-3-11.

(e) This section shall not affect the requirement that any purchase be purchased pursuant to a competitive bid when required by general law.

(Act 2013-229, p. 560, §1.)

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