Auburn-Opelika Convention and Visitors Bureau.

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Section 45-41-242.06

Auburn-Opelika Convention and Visitors Bureau.

(a) There shall be created and established the Auburn-Opelika Convention and Visitors Bureau. The bureau shall be composed of five board members: The judge of probate or his or her appointee; the mayors or their appointees from the Cities of Auburn and Opelika; and one employee from Auburn University, appointed by the President of Auburn University; and the four board members shall select a fifth member. The Lee County Extension Agent shall be an ex-officio member. The Executive Director of the Auburn Chamber of Commerce and the Executive Director of the Opelika Chamber of Commerce shall serve as ex-officio members.

(b) The newly elected board of directors’ membership shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing authorities.

(Act 88-823, 1st Sp. Sess., p. 262, §7.)

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