Pistol Permit Fee.

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Section 45-41-235

Pistol permit fee.

(a)(1) In Lee County, except as provided in subsection (b), the fee for the issuance of a permit to carry a pistol in a motor vehicle or concealed on or about the person as provided in Section 13A-11-75 shall be twenty dollars ($20), which shall be collected by the sheriff.

(2) Of the twenty dollars ($20) collected for each permit, five dollars ($5) shall be deposited to the Lee County General Fund and the remaining fifteen dollars ($15) shall be deposited by the sheriff into a special fund in any bank located in Lee County to be known as the sheriff’s fund. Money deposited into the sheriff’s fund shall be used at the discretion of the sheriff exclusively for law enforcement purposes.

(b) The fee for a person who is 60 years of age or over to obtain a pistol permit as provided in Section 13A-11-75 shall be fifteen dollars ($15). Of the fifteen dollars ($15) collected for each permit, five dollars ($5) thereof shall be deposited to the Lee County General Fund and the remaining ten dollars ($10) shall be deposited into the sheriff’s fund.

(Act 2004-695, 1st Sp. Sess., p. 77, §§1, 2.)

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