Salaries for Judge of Probate, Sheriff, Tax Assessor, Tax Collector.

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Section 45-41-11

Salaries for judge of probate, sheriff, tax assessor, tax collector.

(a) Pursuant to Amendment 362 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, and Act 531 of the 1976 Regular Session, the following elected officials serving Lee County shall receive annual salaries as follows on August 1, 2000:

(1) Judge of probate$75,000
(2) Sheriff 65,000
(3) Tax assessor 52,500
(4) Tax collector 52,500

(b)(1) The annual salaries provided for in this section shall be paid in equal monthly installments from the county treasury and shall be paid in lieu of any other salaries heretofore provided by law for the officials.

(2) The salaries of the tax assessor and the tax collector shall be prorated; shall be paid by each fund or agency receiving ad valorem taxes; and shall be determined by computing the percentage that the total collections for each fund or agency bears to the total collections of ad valorem taxes.

(Act 2000-563, p. 1038, §§1, 2.)

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