Section 45-35A-51.28
Expenses for the department.
The salaries and other compensation herein authorized to be paid to the members of the department herein created, together with the necessary expenses actually incurred by such committee, board, or director shall be paid by warrant or requisition drawn by the personnel board and signed by at least two members thereof; such warrant or requisition shall be drawn upon the same officer, payable in the same manner, and out of the same funds, as the salaries of the members of the city commission are paid. Within 90 days after his or her appointment, the personnel director shall submit a budget of operating expenses to the personnel board, and furnish a copy thereof to the governing body of the city, for the fiscal year ending October 1, 1947. He or she shall likewise submit a budget of such operating expenses not less than 45 days before the beginning thereof for each subsequent fiscal year; and such budgets may include expenses incurred in any previous year and not duly paid. The governing body of the city may appear before the board and protest the approval of any item which it deems unnecessary or excessive, however, the board may adopt a reasonable budget over the protest of the governing body of the city.
(Acts 1947, No 273, p. 196, §29.)