Section 45-24-200
Special transaction fee.
(a) The Dallas County Commission may impose a special transaction fee not exceeding five dollars ($5) to be paid to the Dallas County License Commissioner when public business is transacted in the office of the license commissioner. The fee may only be imposed by the county commission after two public hearings have been held on the proposed transaction fee held at least one week apart. The public hearings shall be advertised for three consecutive days prior to each hearing. After the public hearings, the fee may be imposed pursuant to this subsection, at a regular or special called meeting of the Dallas County Commission upon the adoption by the commission of a resolution by a majority vote of the total membership. The special additional transaction fee imposed pursuant to this section shall be collected by the license commissioner and deposited in the county general fund for appropriation for general county purposes.
(b) This section shall have retroactive effect to May 2, 1994.
(Act 94-669, p. 1282, §1; Act 95-780, p. 1855, §§1,2.)