Section 45-22-81.01
D.A.R.E. program.
(a) This section shall be operative only in Cullman County.
(b)(l) Notwithstanding any special, local, or general law to the contrary, there is levied additional court costs and charges as follows:
a. All traffic tickets (not involving alcohol or drugs, or both) ..........$5.00
b. All misdemeanor alcohol arrests ..............................................10.00
c. All misdemeanor drug arrests ..................................................20.00
d. All misdemeanor D.U.I. arrests ...............................................25.00
e. All other misdemeanor arrests ...................................................5.00
f. All felony alcohol arrests ..........................................................50.00
g. All felony drug arrests (excluding trafficking cases) ...................50.00
h. All felony D.U.I. arrests ..........................................................50.00
i. All drug trafficking arrests .......................................................100.00
j. All other felony arrests .............................................................10.00
(2) The above fee shall be levied in all criminal cases including, but not limited to, felony cases, misdemeanor cases, and traffic violation cases, whose jurisdiction is in the Circuit Court of the 32nd Judicial Circuit, the District Court of Cullman County, and the City of Cullman Municipal Court. The costs and charges levied by this section shall be in addition to all other costs and charges presently levied and shall be collected as other costs and charges. The levy of the costs and charges shall commence on May 19, 1993, and all cases pending at that time shall be subject to the levy of costs and charges.
(3) All money derived from the costs and charges shall be remitted to the county treasurer who shall place the fees collected in a special fund known as the "D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) Fund," for the purpose of funding the D.A.R.E. program in all Cullman City and Cullman County schools.
(4) Disbursement and administration of the fund shall alternate every five years between the Cullman City government and the Cullman County government, with the Cullman County government initially administering the fund.
(5) Disbursements shall be made at the rate of fifteen dollars ($15) per child based on the enrollment of each school system participating in the D.A.R.E. program.
(6) The annual allocation may be used for the following items: Workbooks, pencils, bumper stickers, name cards, stickers, T-shirts, book markers, special student awards, culmination certificates, and culmination refreshments.
(c) Each law enforcement agency providing D.A.R.E. officers shall be reimbursed from this source of funds for all initial D.A.R.E. officer training expenses resulting from the two week basic seminar sponsored by the Department of Treasury as well as for all officer inservice training expenses from the yearly conference sponsored by the National D.A.R.E. Officers Association, and conference sponsored by the Alabama D.A.R.E. Officers Association.
(d) Further disbursement of funds shall be decided by a governing board made up of the following people:
(1) The Chair of the Cullman County Commission.
(2) The Mayor of the City of Cullman.
(3) The Sheriff of Cullman County.
(4) The Chief of Police of the City of Cullman.
(5) The Cullman County Schools Superintendent.
(6) The Cullman City Schools Superintendent.
(7) A seventh member to be appointed from the business sector and by approval of the other board members.
(e) The governing board may approve requests for equipment to be used in the D.A.R.E. classrooms, for vehicles to be used for the D.A.R.E. program, and either full or partial salaries of additional officers needed to expand the D.A.R.E. program.
(f) The governing board may also approve requests for D.A.R.E. activities taking place outside the classroom.
(g) All funds not used shall be held in trust and carried over to the next year.
(Act 93-690, p. 1320, §§1-7.)