Construction, Repair, and Maintenance of Roads and Bridges; Duties of County Engineer.

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Section 45-22-71

Construction, repair, and maintenance of roads and bridges; duties of county engineer.

The Cullman County Commission or like governing body of Cullman County shall be solely responsible for the construction, repair, and maintenance of the roads and bridges in the county; but all construction, repair, and maintenance shall be done on the basis of the county as a unit, without regard to district or quadrant lines, and under the supervision of an engineer or other qualified road supervisor. The county governing body shall have all the powers and jurisdiction with respect to county roads and bridges which are or which hereafter may be vested in or required of county governing bodies by the general laws of this state, or vested in or required of the governing body of Cullman County by local law. Except as may be otherwise provided herein, members of the county governing body of Cullman County shall perform all the duties and services and shall exercise all the powers and authority with respect to the construction, repair, and maintenance of county roads and bridges which are or hereafter may be provided by law for members of county governing bodies. The county engineer shall be responsible for the day-to-day operation of the county road department on a unit basis and shall carry out policy and projects of the county in accordance with decisions of the county commission by a majority vote, except in the case of a tie vote, in which case the chair of the county commission may vote. The county engineer shall report on a regular basis to the chair in the organizational structure of the county and the chair shall keep the remainder of the county commission informed on the operation of the county road department.

(Act 2013-300, p. 1013, §2; Act 2020-161, §2.)

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