Section 45-22-120.04
Powers and duties of commission regarding personnel.
(a) The commission shall adopt rules and regulations to carry out this article, and to provide for advertising of vacancies, recruitment, selection, hiring, classification, placement, promotion, transfer, demotion, suspension, removal, disciplinary action, appeal, hearings, grievances, and training, and the commission may, from time to time, make changes in its rules, regulations, and procedures, provided, however, that no rule, regulation, procedure, or policy may be adopted, promulgated, or amended so as to affect a single employee or group or class of employees either adversely or favorably at the expense or to the detriment of other employees. All promotions shall be made by the commission upon the recommendation of the head of the department/office in which the vacancy for the promotion occurs. The commission shall:
(1) Classify the different types of service to be performed in the departments and offices of the county.
(2) Prescribe qualifications, including those of character, education, training, and acquired and demonstrated skills and experience, for appointees of each class.
(3) Define compensation schedules for the classifications of service.
(4) Allocate each job in the service of the county to its proper classification.
(b) The commission shall establish rules, regulations, and procedures governing hiring, employee performance review and evaluation, probationary period, suspension, dismissal, demotion, termination, grievances, appeals, hearings, leave and use of leave, and such rules, regulations, and procedures shall have the full force and effect of law and shall govern in all such matters.
(Act 79-574, p. 1022; Act 80-549, p. 851, §5.)