Choctaw County Medical Scholarship Board.

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Section 45-12-30

Choctaw County Medical Scholarship Board.

(a)(1) There is hereby created in Choctaw County a board to be called the "Choctaw County Medical Scholarship Board" which shall be composed of six members as herein provided. The Choctaw County Commission shall collectively select three members whose terms shall be coterminous with those of the county commission members; and the governing body of the City of Butler, Alabama, shall collectively select three members whose terms shall be coterminous with those of the Butler governing body members. Vacancies shall be filled by the respective governing bodies for the remaining term or terms in the same manner as original members are selected.

(2) The board shall annually select from among its members a chair and a vice chair and a treasurer; the chair shall preside over meetings of the board and the vice chair shall preside in his or her absence. The treasurer shall keep a full accounting of the receiving and granting of monies under the scholarship program. Formal action of the board shall require a majority vote of the board. The board shall meet at least once a year and such other times as may be called by the chair.

(b) The board is hereby authorized to adopt such rules, guidelines, and regulations as are necessary to effectuate a program of medical scholarship awards to deserving residents of Choctaw County.

(c) The board is hereby authorized to adopt bylaws to govern the election of officers, to govern the conduct of meetings, and to govern generally the conduct of its business.

(d) The Choctaw County Commission is hereby authorized to appropriate such funds as may be available from the county general fund to the board for the use of implementing and maintaining the medical scholarship program herein created.

(e) The City Council of the City of Butler is hereby authorized to appropriate such funds as may be available from the city general fund to the board for the use of implementing and maintaining the medical scholarship program herein created.

(f) The board is hereby authorized to accept funds from private sources for the use of implementing and maintaining the medical scholarship program herein created.

(Act 79-242, p. 369, §§1-6.)

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