Section 41-5A-2
Chief examiner - Appointment and functions; vacancies; removal from office.
(a) The affairs of the department shall be administered by the Chief Examiner of Public Accounts, whose actions shall be supervised and controlled by the Legislative Committee on Public Accounts. The chief examiner shall be selected and appointed by the Legislative Committee on Public Accounts to serve for a term of five years and until a qualified successor is appointed.
(b)(1) A vacancy in the office of chief examiner arising from any cause shall be filled by the Legislative Committee on Public Accounts. The person so appointed may serve through the next regular or special session of the Legislature until confirmed as provided in subdivision (2).
(2) The appointment of the chief examiner shall be subject to confirmation by the Senate at the first regular or special session of the Legislature held after the appointment; provided, however, that this subsection does not affect the right or authority of the chief examiner to act pending confirmation or rejection.
(c) The chief examiner may be removed from office by joint resolution of the Legislature for cause provided in writing and supported by sufficient, competent evidence referred by the Legislative Committee on Public Accounts.
(Act 2018-129, §1.)