Confidentiality of Project Information.

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Section 41-29-285

Confidentiality of project information.

All information concerning a proposed project which is provided to the director and AIDT shall be confidential. AIDT, through the director, is authorized to enter into a confidentiality agreement or other contract provision with a prospective entity considering locating or expanding within the state which prohibits the disclosure by AIDT or any of its employees or contractors of the identity of the prospective entity and any information obtained, whether orally or in writing, by such persons about the entity's proposed project. Further, AIDT, through the director as approved by the Secretary of Commerce, is authorized to enter into a confidentiality agreement or other contract provision with a prospective entity who is considering locating or expanding or has relocated or expanded within the state to reasonably protect trade secrets or other confidential business information of such entity. Such confidentiality agreement or other contract provision shall not otherwise limit the disclosure under applicable open records laws of public documents which describe the nature, quantity, cost, or other pertinent information related to the activities of, or services performed by, AIDT.

(Act 2013-118, p. 240, §1; §41-9-1085; amended and renumbered by Act 2015-450, §9.)

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