Funding; Financial Statement.

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Section 41-29-283

Funding; financial statement.

(a) AIDT shall continue to be funded from the Education Trust Fund and may receive any other funds appropriated by the United States or the state. AIDT shall maintain accounts in its own name and shall make all of its disbursements and payments directly from accounts maintained outside the State Treasury rather than through state warrants. Funds that have been allocated by AIDT under a project agreement for workforce development shall not be transferred to any other expenditure or for any other purpose without the express written approval of the Secretary of Commerce. All disbursements and payments by AIDT shall be subject to the approval of the director as prescribed in the AIDT Policy Manual as it may be amended from time to time with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce.

(b) Before the third legislative day of each regular session of the Legislature AIDT shall provide to the Chair of the House Ways and Means Education Fund Committee and the Chair of the Senate Finance and Taxation Education Committee a reconciled financial statement of the project commitments and the actual expenditures on project commitments for the preceding fiscal year.

(Act 2013-118, p. 240, §1; §41-9-1083; amended and renumbered by Act 2015-450, §9.)

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