Legislative Findings.

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Section 41-29-280

Legislative findings.

The Legislature makes the following findings:

(1) The Alabama Industrial Development and Training Institute, hereinafter AIDT, was established in fiscal year 1970-1971 as a contract program reporting to the State Board of Education through the Division of Vocational-Technical Education. In 1976, the State Board of Education adopted a resolution approving the establishment of AIDT as a mobile training institute, appointed a director, established staff positions and salary schedules, and mandated personnel procedures for the staff identical to those with technical colleges. AIDT continued operating under the Department of Postsecondary Education when the Legislature established the department and position of Chancellor. AIDT has been continuously funded through an annual line item in the Education Trust Fund budget.

(2) AIDT provides quality workforce development for the new and expanding businesses in the state and expands the opportunities of its citizens through the jobs these businesses create.

(3) AIDT serves a unique role in the state by providing its citizens the specific skills, knowledge, and training needed to address the dynamic labor needs of new or expanding businesses in a flexible manner that allows for careful coordination with the time and location or the new or expanding businesses and their labor needs.

(4) AIDT's role in educating and training the state's workforce is critical to the state's economic development, job creation and retention, and AIDT's mission is consistent with, and crucial to the success of, the projects, and services of the Department of Commerce.

(Act 2013-118, p. 240, §1; §41-9-1080; amended and renumbered by Act 2015-450, §9.)

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