Section 41-29-240
Alabama Small Business Commission created; duties; composition.
(a) The Alabama Small Business Commission is created as part of the Office of Small Business Advocacy.
(b) The commission shall have the following duties:
(1) Formulate policies encouraging innovation of small business in the state.
(2) Discuss issues critical to the economic growth of small, independent businesses and their interests that will encourage the formation of and foster the growth of small businesses in the state.
(3) Advise the Department of Commerce in formulating and promoting policies relating to small businesses.
(4) Act as an advocate for small businesses and the entrepreneurs who work to create opportunities for new small businesses and sustain those that are already in existence.
(5) Promote policies to assist new business start-ups and expansion of existing businesses.
(c) The commission shall be chaired by an appointee of the Lieutenant Governor, who shall be a voting member. The Director of the Business Development Division shall be responsible for the administrative functions of the commission including, but not limited to, the organization of meetings, preparing the annual reports, and other items as needed by the commission. Except as provided in subdivisions (13) through (16), the commission shall be composed of the following members who shall be appointed by the Lieutenant Governor and shall serve a term of two years with the option of being reappointed to one additional term:
(1) One member from each of the congressional districts of the state.
(2) One member from a list of three names submitted by the Alabama Homebuilders Association.
(3) One member from a list of three names submitted by the Alabama Retail Association.
(4) One member from a list of three names submitted by the Alabama Bankers Association.
(5) One member from a list of three names submitted by the Medical Association of Alabama.
(6) One member from a list of three names submitted by the Alabama Farmers Federation.
(7) One member from a list of three names submitted by the Alabama Trucking Association.
(8) One member from a list of three names submitted by the Alabama Association of General Contractors.
(9) One member from a list of three names submitted by the Alabama Automobile Dealers Association.
(10) One member from the manufacturing sector.
(11) One member from a list of three names submitted by the Alabama Forestry Association.
(12) One at-large member.
(13) One member appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives from the service, hospitality, and tourism sector.
(14) One member of the House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
(15) One member of the manufacturing sector appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate.
(16) One member of the Senate appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate.
(d) To the extent possible, the commission members shall be small business owners representing businesses with 50 or fewer employees.
(e) Each appointing authority shall coordinate his or her appointments so that diversity of gender, race, and geographical areas is reflective of the makeup of this state.
(f) The commission shall prepare and submit an annual report to each appointing authority no later than December 31 of each year.
(Act 2015-450, p. 1456, §6; Act 2019-509, §1.)