Notice of Intention to Engage in Business.

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Section 37-4-60

Notice of intention to engage in business.

Whenever any municipal corporation, county improvement authority, power district, federal or other governmental agency, sometimes called "agency" in this division, proposes to engage in the business of operating an electric light plant or distribution system, or of furnishing electric service for industrial, domestic or other consumption and at the time such agency proposes to engage in such business there is then in existence within the territory in which it is proposed to furnish such electric service a plant or distribution system, either or both, or any part or parts thereof, furnishing the service so proposed to be furnished by such agency, then such agency, as a condition precedent to the exercise of such authority, shall notify the owner of such plant or system by registered or certified mail of its intention to engage in such business and of its willingness to acquire on such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon so much of such plant and system as shall be located in the territory in which the agency proposes to furnish such service and as shall be necessary and convenient therefor.

(Acts 1939, No. 244, p. 405; Code 1940, T. 48, §342.)

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