Conveyance of Water Distribution Facilities to Public Authority or Corporation by Not-for-Profit Entity Without Necessity of Commission Approval.

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Section 37-4-45

Conveyance of water distribution facilities to public authority or corporation by not-for-profit entity without necessity of commission approval.

Any provision of this division to the contrary notwithstanding, any not-for-profit corporation or other not-for-profit entity owning, operating, leasing or controlling any plant, property or facility for the supply, storage, distribution or furnishing to or for the public of water for manufacturing, municipal, domestic or other uses, may sell, convey, lease or otherwise dispose of any or all of such plant, property, or facility, and its other properties, including without limitation any franchises, rights, contracts, business, good will and all other assets, to any public authority or corporation that is organized under the laws of Alabama and that is empowered to own, operate, lease or control such plant, property or facility, all without the necessity of any approval or consent of the Public Service Commission.

(Acts 1981, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 81-1197, p. 530.)

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