Section 37-2-84
Abandonment and discontinuance of grade crossings.
(a) The Department of Transportation is given authority and power to abandon and discontinue any portion of a state highway, or street on a state highway route with the approval of the city council or governing body of any municipality, crossing the tracks or right-of-way of any railroad or street railway within the state, and to close the grade crossing, whenever in the judgment of the department the grade crossing has ceased to be necessary for the public as a part of any state highway, because of relocation of the highway, or because of the construction of an underpass or overpass, or other provision made for the elimination of the grade crossing. Whenever the department orders the abandonment of a portion of the highway or street and the closing of a grade crossing, it shall enter its order providing therefor in the department minutes. Notice in writing of the abandonment and discontinuance of the portion of the highway or street and the closing of the grade crossing shall be given by the department by posting a notice on each side of the railroad or street railway at the grade crossing for a period of 30 days. Thereafter, the railroad or street railway shall not be required to maintain the grade crossing for use as a public highway or street.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Department of Transportation may abandon, close, and discontinue a portion of a municipal or county highway, street, or right-of-way crossing the tracks or right-of-way of any railroad within the state whenever in the judgment of the department the grade crossing is dangerous or redundant or the enhancement of public safety resulting from the closing outweighs any inconvenience caused by rerouting the vehicular traffic. In the event the closing is deemed by the department to cause substantial inconvenience to vehicular traffic or materially impair the provision of police, fire, or ambulance service, the department may also order a relocation of the crossing or the building of an alternate crossing at another location. If the department orders the relocation of the crossing or the building of an alternate crossing, the crossing shall be built at no costs to the municipality or county unless the municipality or county enters into an agreement to share in the costs of the relocation of the crossing or the building of an alternate crossing.
(c) Prior to issuing the order to close a crossing, the Department of Transportation shall give written notice of intention to close the crossing to the municipality or county in the event it is a municipal or county road or street. In addition, the department shall publish legal notice of intention to close the crossing in a newspaper of general circulation in the county once a week for three consecutive weeks prior to issuance of the order of closure. The notice shall state the procedure to request a hearing prior to the closure. Any citizen who uses a crossing or who owns property abutting a crossing or the county or municipality may give a notice in writing to the Department of Transportation requesting a hearing prior to the closing. Upon request for a hearing, the department shall conduct a public hearing in the municipality or county in which the crossing is located by giving at least 10 days' notice to the person or persons requesting the hearing and to the municipality or county in which the crossing is located. At the public hearing, a department official designated by the Director of Transportation shall hear all persons interested and shall receive any written statements from interested persons. The official conducting the hearings shall file a written report with the director together with all written statements filed by persons attending the hearing and shall make a written recommendation to the director concerning the proposed closing. After consideration of the report, the recommendation and the statements submitted therewith, the director shall enter an order closing the crossing or requiring the crossing to remain open or requiring the crossing to be relocated within the judgment of the director. The order of the director shall be final.
(d) Upon the issuance of the order by the Director of Transportation, it is the responsibility of the railroad or railroads involved to physically remove the crossing from the tracks and it is the responsibility of the municipality or county where the crossing is located to install any signs or barricades which might be appropriate. The costs of any signs or barricades shall be shared equally by the Department of Transportation and the city or county where the crossing is located.
(e) Whenever a railroad crossing or any highway, street, or right-of-way crossing the tracks or right-of-way of any railroad is closed, abandoned, or discontinued pursuant to this section, that action shall not affect any right-of-way for the lines, structures, equipment, and facilities of any utility as defined in Title 37, which cross the tracks or right-of-way of the railroad at the crossing or along, over, or through the highway, street, or right-of-way abandoned.
(f) The provisions of subsections (a) through (d) of this section shall be the exclusive method of closing railroad grade crossings located on any public drive, street, road, or highway in this state.
(Acts 1935, No. 281, p. 679; Code 1940, T. 48, §174; Acts 1994, No. 94-582, p. 1067, §1.)