Report of Sale by Guardian to Court.

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Section 35-6-81

Report of sale by guardian to court.

Within three months after making any such sale, such guardian shall report the same under oath to the court having jurisdiction of his administration of the estate of such ward. If the whole of the share of such ward in the proceeds of such sale shall have been paid when such report is made, such fact shall be stated therein, and the guardian shall therein apply to the court for authority to make a conveyance of the interest of said ward in the lands or realty so sold to the purchaser. Such report shall set forth the name, residence, and age of such ward, and of the person in whose custody he is, and the name and residence of the adult next of kin of said ward, resident in the state and not interested in such sale; if there be more than one such next of kin of the same degree, such report must set forth the names and residences of all of them resident in this state.

(Code 1907, §5254; Code 1923, §9358; Code 1940, T. 47, §220.)

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