Proceedings Upon Violation of Terms of Support Order or Probation Bond.

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Section 30-4-63

Proceedings upon violation of terms of support order or probation bond.

If at any time the judge of the juvenile court is satisfied, by sufficient proof upon due notice and hearing, that the defendant has violated the terms of any such order of support or the terms of any such probation bond, said judge may forthwith, or after further probation, make and enter an order setting aside such suspension of said judgment and sentence, and may issue a warrant for the arrest of such defendant, and may, upon such arrest, commit him to jail or to the sheriff of such county, to serve such sentence, as if same had never been suspended. Said judge, in such contingency, shall have the right and authority, whether said defendant is allowed further probation or not, to declare said bond or recognizance forfeited, and the sum or sums recovered thereon shall be paid to the clerk of the juvenile court for the use of defendant's wife or children, or both, in the same manner as other money is provided in this article to be so paid, and shall be expended for such use as is provided in this article. In the event of the violation of the terms of any such probation bond taken or filed in such juvenile court, the judge of such court shall have the right to transmit said bond, together with his certificate to the effect of the failure of the said principal and sureties thereon to carry out and discharge their undertakings in said bond, to the clerk of the circuit court of such county. And in the event of such certification by the judge of that court to the clerk of the circuit court, it shall be the duty of the clerk of the circuit court to at once bring the same to the attention of the judge or judges of said court, who shall proceed to enter a forfeiture of said bond so transmitted in the manner and form now provided for the forfeiting of bonds in the circuit court, after which writs and orders of execution shall issue thereon as now provided by law upon the forfeiture of bonds in criminal cases in said circuit court.

(Acts 1919, No. 181, p. 176; Code 1923, §4490; Code 1940, T. 34, §100.)

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