Section 2-29-2
Commission merchant's permit required; application for permit; issuance of permit; duration; permit fee.
No person shall within this state engage in the commission business as a commission merchant without a permit therefor. Every commission merchant shall annually, on or before October 1, file an application with the commissioner for a permit to do a commission business in farm products. Such application shall state the kind or kinds of farm products which the applicant proposes to handle, the full name of the person, firm, exchange, association or corporation, the full name of each member of the firm or the names of all the officers of the exchange, association or corporation and the city, town or village and street number where the particular business is to be conducted. Unless the commissioner refuses the application on one or more of the grounds provided in Section 2-29-5, he shall issue to such applicant, upon the payment of proper fees and the execution and delivery of a bond as provided in Section 2-29-4, a permit entitling the applicant to conduct a commission business at the place named in the application until October 1 next following. The fee for every such permit shall be $10.00.
(Ag. Code 1927, §280; Code 1940, T. 2, §474.)