Election as to Withdrawal From Retirement Fund and Refunding of Contributions or Receipt of Certificate of Time of Service Accumulated Toward Retirement Upon Termination of Service of Judge Prior to Eligibility for Retirement Benefits Under Article; Filing of Certificate as Proof of Time of Service for Retirement Benefits Under Article Upon Reaching of Retirement Age or Death of Judge.

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Section 12-18-54

Election as to withdrawal from retirement fund and refunding of contributions or receipt of certificate of time of service accumulated toward retirement upon termination of service of judge prior to eligibility for retirement benefits under article; filing of certificate as proof of time of service for retirement benefits under article upon reaching of retirement age or death of judge.

Should the service of a district judge be terminated prior to the time said judge is entitled to receive retirement benefits under this article, such judge shall have the right to elect to withdraw from the Judicial Retirement Fund and to have refunded his contributions to the Judicial Retirement Fund, plus accrued interest thereon, under the same rules, regulations and rates applicable to similar refunds of contributions under the Employees' Retirement System; provided, that should such judge not elect to withdraw from the Judicial Retirement Fund he shall be entitled to receive a certificate from the Secretary-Treasurer of the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama showing the time of service accumulated toward retirement.

If any such judge has sufficient time of service for any retirement benefit provided by this article, upon reaching a retirement age or upon death, such certificate may be filed as proof of time of service with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

(Acts 1975, No. 1205, p. 2384, §4-128.)

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