Upon request of an area committee or of the Colorado Potato Committee through an area committee, each handler within the respective area of such area committee shall furnish to the area committee in such manner and at such time as it may prescribe, reports and other information as may be necessary for the committee to perform its duties under this part.
(a) Such reports may include, but are not necessarily limited to the following examples:
(1) The quantities of potatoes received by a handler during any or all periods of a season;
(2) The quantities disposed of by him, segregated as to quantities subject to regulation, and where necessary segregated as to types of outlets and special or modified regulations applicable to alternative outlets, and including quantities not subject to grade, inspection, assessment, or other similar regulations;
(3) The date of each such disposition and the identification of the carrier transporting such potatoes;
(4) Information essential to identification of any or all specific quantities, lots, and disposition of potatoes handled under §§ 948.23 to 948.30, inclusive, which may include identification of inspection certificates, exemption certificates, certificates of privilege, or other appropriate identification, including the destination of each special shipment, where necessary.
(b) All such reports shall be held under appropriate protective classification and custody by the committee, or duly appointed employees thereof, so that the information contained therein which may adversely affect the competitive position of any handler in relation to other handlers will not be disclosed. Compilations of general reports from data submitted by handlers is authorized, subject to prohibition of disclosure of individual handlers' identities or operations.
(c) Each handler shall maintain for at least two succeeding years such records of the potatoes received and disposed of by such handler as may be necessary to verify the reports he submits to the committee pursuant to this section.