(a) The Secretary may at any time terminate the provisions of this part by giving at least one day's notice by means of a press release or in any other manner in which he may determine.
(b) The Secretary shall terminate or suspend the operation of any and all of the provisions of this part whenever he finds that such provisions do not tend to effectuate the declared policy of the act.
(c) The Secretary shall terminate the provisions of this part or the applicability of the provisions of this part as to a particular fruit whenever he finds by referendum or otherwise that such termination is favored by a majority of the growers of the fruit: Provided, That such majority has during the current fiscal period produced more than 50 percent of the volume of the fruit which was produced within the production area for shipment in fresh form. Such termination shall become effective on the first day of March subsequent to the announcement therof by the Secretary.
(d) The Control Committee shall consider all petitions from growers submitted to it for termination of this part provided such petitions are received by the Control Committee prior to October 1 of the then current fiscal period. Upon recommendation of the Control Committee, received not later than December 1 of the then current fiscal period, the Secretary shall conduct a referendum among the growers of the particular kind of fruit prior to February 15 of such fiscal period to ascertain whether continuance of this part is favored by producers.
(e) The Secretary shall conduct a referendum within the period beginning December 1, 1974, and ending February 15, 1975, to ascertain whether continuance of this part as to any fruit included in this part is favored by the growers. The Secretary shall conduct such a referendum within the same period of every fourth fiscal period thereafter.
(f) The provisions of this part shall, in any event, terminate whenever the provisions of the act authorizing them cease to be in effect.