Suspension or revocation of license.

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§ 868.84 Suspension or revocation of license.

(a) General.

(1) An inspector's, technician's, or sampler's license may be suspended or revoked if the licensee:

(i) Willfully, carelessly, or through incompetence fails to perform the duties specified in the Act, regulations, standards, or the instructions or

(ii) Becomes incapable of performing required duties.

(2) A license may not be suspended or revoked until the individual:

(i) Has been served notice, in person or by registered mail, that suspension or revocation of the license is under consideration for reasons set out in the notice and

(ii) Has been given an opportunity for a hearing.

(b) Procedure for summary action. In cases where the public health, interest, or safety require, the Administrator may summarily suspend an inspector's, technician's, or sampler's license without prior hearing. In such cases, the licensee shall be advised of the factors which appear to warrant suspension or revocation of the license. The licensee shall be accorded an opportunity for a hearing before the license is finally suspended or revoked.

(c) Procedures for other than summary action. Except in cases of willfulness or those described in paragraph (b) of this section, the Administrator, before instituting proceedings for the suspension or revocation of a license, shall provide the licensee an opportunity to demonstrate or achieve compliance with the Act, regulations, standards, and instructions. If the licensee does not demonstrate or achieve compliance, the Administrator may institute proceedings to suspend or revoke the license.

(The information collection requirements contained in paragraph (c) have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0580-0012)

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