Licensing procedures.

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§ 868.81 Licensing procedures.

(a) Application. An application for a license, the renewal of a license, or the return of a suspended license shall be submitted to the Service on forms furnished by the Service. Each application shall be in English, be typewritten or legibly written in ink, show all information prescribed by the application form, and be signed by the applicant.

(b) Examinations and reexaminations. Applicants for a license and individuals who are licensed to perform any or all inspection services shall, at the discretion of the Service, submit to examinations or reexaminations to determine their competency to perform the inspection functions for which they desire to be or are licensed.

(c) Termination -

(1) Procedure. Each license shall terminate according to the termination date shown on the license and as specified by the schedule in this paragraph. The termination date for a license shall be no less than 3 years or more than 4 years after the issuance date for the initial license; thereafter, every 3 years. Upon request of a licensee and for good cause shown, the termination date may be advanced or delayed by the Administrator for a period not to exceed 60 days.

Expand Table

Termination Schedule

Last name beginning with Termination date
A January.
B February.
C, D March.
E, F, G April.
H, I, J May.
K, L June.
M July.
N, O, P, Q August.
R September.
S, T, U, V October.
W November.
X, Y, Z December.

The Service shall issue a termination notice 60 days before the termination date. The notice shall give detailed instructions for requesting renewal of license, state whether a reexamination is required, and, if a reexamination is required, give the scope of the examination. Failure to receive a notice from the Service shall not exempt a licensee from the responsibility of having the license renewed by the termination date.

(2) Exception. The license of an individual under contract with the Service shall terminate upon termination of the contract.

(d) Surrender of license. Each license that is terminated or which is suspended or revoked under § 868.84 shall be promptly surrendered to the Administrator or other official of the Service designated by the Administrator.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0580-0012)

[53 FR 3722, Feb. 9, 1988. Redesignated and amended at 60 FR 16364, Mar. 30, 1995]

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