Who may be licensed.

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§ 868.80 Who may be licensed.

(a) Inspectors. The Administrator may license any person to inspect commodities and to perform related services if the individual -

(1) Is employed by a cooperator, is a contractor, or is employed by a contractor;

(2) Possesses the qualifications prescribed in the instructions; and

(3) Has no interest, financial or otherwise, direct or indirect in merchandising, handling, storing, or processing the kind of commodities or related products to be inspected.

The Administrator may require applicants to be examined for competency at a specific time and place and in a prescribed manner.

(b) Technicians or samplers. The Administrator may license any person as a technician to perform official specified laboratory functions, including sampling duties and related services, or as a sampler to draw samples of commodities and perform related services if the individual:

(1) Possesses proper qualifications as prescribed in the instructions and

(2) has no interest, financial or otherwise direct or indirect in merchandising, handling, storing, or processing the kind of commodities or related products to be chemically analyzed, mechanically tested, sampled, and so forth. The Administrator may require applicants to be examined for competency at a specific time and place and in a prescribed manner.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0580-0012)

[53 FR 3722, Feb. 9, 1988. Redesignated and amended at 60 FR 16364, Mar. 30, 1995; 63 FR 29531, June 1, 1998]

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