Divided-lot certificates.

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§ 868.74 Divided-lot certificates.

(a) General. When commodities are offered for inspection and are certificated as a single lot, the applicant may exchange the inspection certificate for two or more divided-lot certificates.

(b) Application. Requests for divided-lot certificates shall be made -

(1) In writing;

(2) By the applicant who made the initial request;

(3) To the office that issued the outstanding certificate;

(4) Within 5 business days of the outstanding certificate date; and

(5) Before the identity of the commodity has been lost.

(c) Quantity restrictions. Divided-lot certificates shall not show an aggregate quantity different than the total quantity shown on the superseded certificate.

(d) Surrender of certificate. The certificate that will be superseded shall -

(1) Be in the custody of the cooperator or the Service;

(2) Be marked “Void,” and

(3) Show the identification of the divided-lot certificates.

(e) Certification requirements. The same information and statements, including permissive statements, that were shown on the superseded certificate shall be shown on each divided-lot certificate. Divided-lot certificates shall show -

(1) A statement indicating the commodity was inspected as an undivided lot;

(2) The terms “Divided-Lot Original,” and the copies shall show “Divided-Lot Copy;”

(3) The same serial number with numbered suffix (for example, 1764-1, 1764-2, 1764-3, and so forth); and

(4) The quantity specified by the request.

(f) Issuance and distribution. Divided-lot certificates shall be issued no later than the close of business on the next business day after the request and be distributed according to § 868.70(b).

(g) Limitations. After divided-lot certificates have been issued, further dividing or combining is prohibited except with the approval of the Service.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0580-0012)

[53 FR 3722, Feb. 9, 1988. Redesignated and amended at 60 FR 16364, Mar. 30, 1995]

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