Certificating appeal inspection results.

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§ 868.63 Certificating appeal inspection results.

(a) General. An appeal inspection certificate shall be issued according to § 868.70 and instructions. Except as provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, only the results of the appeal inspection or Board appeal inspection service shall be shown on the appeal inspection certificate.

(b) Required statements. Each appeal inspection certificate shall show the statements required by this section, § 868.71, and instructions.

(1) Each appeal inspection certificate shall clearly show:

(i) The term “Appeal” or “Board Appeal” and

(ii) a statement identifying the superseded certificate. The superseded certificate shall be considered null and void as of the date of the appeal inspection or Board appeal inspection certificate.

(2) When the results for more than one kind of service are reported on a certificate, the appeal or Board appeal inspection certificate shall show a statement of which kind of service(s) results are based on the appeal or Board appeal inspection service and that all other results are those of the original inspection, retest inspection, or appeal inspection service.

(3) If the superseded certificate is in the custody of the Service, the superseded certificate shall be marked “Void.” If the superseded original inspection, retest inspection, or appeal inspection certificate is not in the custody of the Service at the time the appeal certificate is issued, a statement indicating that the superseded certificate has not been surrendered shall be shown on the appeal certificate.

(c) Finality of Board appeal inspection. A Board appeal inspection shall be the final appeal inspection service except that for nongraded commodities an appeal shall be the final appeal inspection.

[53 FR 3722, Feb. 9, 1988. Redesignated and amended at 60 FR 16364, Mar. 30, 1995]

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