Who may request appeal inspection service.

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§ 868.60 Who may request appeal inspection service.

(a) General. Any interested person may request appeal inspection or Board appeal inspection service. When more than one interested person requests an appeal inspection or Board appeal inspection service, the first interested person to file is the applicant of record. Only one appeal inspection may be obtained from any original inspection or retest inspection service for nongraded commodities. Only one Board appeal inspection may be obtained from any original or appeal inspection service for graded commodities. Board appeal inspection shall be performed on the basis of the file sample.

(b) Kind and scope of request. When the results for more than one kind of service are reported on a certificate, an appeal inspection or Board appeal inspection service, as applicable, may be requested on any or all kinds of services reported on the certificate. The scope of an appeal inspection service will be limited to the scope of the original inspection or, in the case of a Board appeal inspection service, the original or appeal inspection service. A request for appeal inspection of a retest inspection will be based upon the scope of the original inspection. If the request specifies a different scope, the request shall be dismissed. Provided, however, that an applicant for service may request an appeal or Board appeal inspection of specific factor(s) or official grade and factors. In addition, appeal and Board appeal inspection for grade may include a review of any pertinent factor(s), as deemed necessary by official personnel.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0580-0013)

[53 FR 3722, Feb. 9, 1988. Redesignated at 60 FR 16364, Mar. 30, 1995 and amended at 70 FR 69250, Nov. 15, 2005]

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