Sample requirements; general.

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§ 868.33 Sample requirements; general.

(a) Samples for lot inspection service -

(1) Original lot inspection service. The sample(s) on which the original inspection is determined shall be -

(i) Obtained by official personnel;

(ii) Representative of the commodity in the lot;

(iii) Protected by official personnel from manipulation, substitution, and improper or careless handling; and

(iv) Obtained within the prescribed area of responsibility of the cooperator or field office performing the inspection service.

(2) Retest lot inspection service. The sample(s) on which the retest is determined shall meet the requirements of paragraph (a)(1) of this section. The retest inspection shall be performed on the basis of a file sample(s), and the samples shall meet the requirements prescribed in § 868.35(e).

(3) Appeal lot inspection service. For an appeal lot inspection service, the sample(s) on which the appeal is determined shall meet the requirements of paragraph (a)(1) of this section. If the appeal inspection is performed on the basis of a file sample(s), the samples shall meet the requirements prescribed in § 868.35(e). In accordance with § 868.61(b), an applicant may request that a new sample be obtained and examined as part of the appeal inspection service.

(4) Board appeal lot inspection service. A Board appeal lot inspection service shall be performed on the basis of file sample.

(b) Sampler requirement. An official sampler shall sample commodities and forward the samples to the appropriate cooperator or field office or other location as specified. A sampling report signed by the sampler shall accompany each sample. The report shall include the identity, quantity, and location of the commodity sampled; the name and mailing address of the applicant; and all other information regarding the lot as may be required.

(c) Representative sample. A sample shall not be considered representative of a commodity lot unless the sample -

(1) Has been obtained by official personnel;

(2) Is of the size prescribed in the instructions; and

(3) Has been obtained, handled, and submitted in accordance with the instructions.

(d) Protecting samples. Official personnel shall protect samples from manipulation, substitution, and improper and careless handling which would deprive the samples of their representativeness or which would change the physical and chemical properties of the commodity from the time of sampling until inspection services are completed and file samples have been discarded.

[53 FR 3722, Feb. 9, 1988. Redesignated and amended at 60 FR 16364, Mar. 30, 1995]

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