Grades and grade requirements for the class Second Head Milled Rice. (See also § 868.315.)

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§ 868.311 Grades and grade requirements for the class Second Head Milled Rice. (See also § 868.315.)

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Grades, Grade Requirements, and Grade Designations

Grade Maximum limits of -
Seeds, heat-damaged, and paddy kernels
(singly or combined)
Red rice and
(singly or combined) (percent)
Chalky kernels1 3 (percent) Color requirements1 Minimum
Total (number
in 500 grams)
Heat-damaged kernels and objectionable seeds (number in 500 grams)
U.S. No. 1 15 5 1.0 4.0 White or Creamy Well milled.
U.S. No. 2 20 10 2.0 6.0 Slightly gray Well milled.
U.S. No. 3 35 15 3.0 10.0 Light gray Reasonably well milled.
U.S. No. 4 50 25 5.0 15.0 Gray or slightly gray Reasonably well milled.
U.S. No. 5 75 40 10.0 20.0 Dark gray or rosy Reasonably well milled.
U.S. Sample grade:
U.S. Sample grade shall be milled rice of this class which: (a) Does not meet the requirements for any of the grades from U.S. No. 1 to U.S. No. 5, inclusive; (b) contains more than 15.0 percent of moisture; (c) is musty or sour, or heating; (d) has any commercially objectionable foreign odor; (e) contains more than 0.1 percent of foreign material; (f) contains two or more live or dead weevils or other insects, insect webbing, or insect refuse; or (g) is otherwise of distinctly low quality.

[67 FR 61251, Sept. 30, 2002]

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