Kinds of inspection services.

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§ 868.31 Kinds of inspection services.

(a) General. The inspection of commodities shall be according to the -

(1) Standards of class, grade, other quality designation, quantity, or condition for such commodities promulgated by the Administrator; or

(2) Specifications prescribed by Federal agencies; or

(3) Specifications of trade associations or organizations; or

(4) Other specifications as requested by applicant; or

(5) The instructions.

The kinds of services provided and the basis for performing the services include those specified in paragraphs (b) through (m) of this section. Some or all of these services are provided when performing a complete inspection service.

(b) Quality inspection service. This service consists of official personnel -

(1) Obtaining representative sample(s) of an identified commodity lot;

(2) Examining, grading, or testing the sample(s);

(3) Examining relevant records for the lot; and

(4) Certifying the results.

(c) Submitted sample inspection service. This service consists of official personnel grading or testing a sample submitted by the applicant and certifying the results.

(d) Examination service. This service consists of official personnel examining supplies without the use of special laboratory equipment or procedures to determine conformance to requirements requested by the applicant and certifying the results.

(e) Checkweighing service (container). This service consists of official personnel -

(1) Weighing a selected number of containers from a commodity lot;

(2) Determining the estimated total gross, tare, and net weights or the estimated average gross or net weight per filled container; and

(3) Certifying the results.

(f) Bulk weighing service. This service consists of official personnel -

(1) Completely supervising the loading or the unloading of an identified lot of bulk or containerized commodity,

(2) Physically weighing or completely supervising the weighing of the commodity; and

(3) Certifying the results.

(g) Checkloading service. This service consists of official personnel -

(1) Performing a stowage examination;

(2) Computing the number of filled commodity containers loaded aboard the carrier;

(3) Observing the condition of commodity containers loaded aboard the carrier;

(4) If practicable, sealing the carrier; and

(5) Certifying the results.

(h) Checkcounting service. This service consists of official personnel determining the total number of filled outer containers in a lot to determine that the number of containers shown by the applicant is correct and certifying the results.

(i) Condition inspection service. This service consists of official personnel determining the physical condition of the commodity by determining whether an identifiable commodity lot is water damaged, fire damaged, or has rodent or bird contamination, insect infestation, or any other deteriorating condition and certifying the results.

(j) Condition of food containers service. This service consists of official personnel determining the degree of acceptability of the containers with respect to absence of defects which affect the serviceability, including appearance as well as usability, of the container for its intended purpose and certifying the results.

(k) Observation of loading service. This service consists of official personnel determining that an identified lot has been moved from a warehouse or carrier and loaded into another warehouse or carrier and certifying the results.

(l) Plant approval service.[1] This service consists of official personnel performing a plant survey to determine if the plant premises, facilities, sanitary conditions, and operating methods are suitable to begin or continue inspection service.

(m) Stowage examination service. This service consists of official personnel visually determining if an identified carrier or container is clean; dry; free of infestation, rodents, toxic substances and foreign odor; and suitable to store or carry commodities and certifying the results.

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