Methods and order of performing inspection service.

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§ 868.30 Methods and order of performing inspection service.

(a) Methods -

(1) General. All sampling and inspection services performed by official personnel shall be made in accordance with the regulations, standards, and the instructions.

(2) Lot inspection service. A lot inspection service shall be based on official personnel obtaining representative samples, examining the commodity in the entire lot, and making an accurate analysis of the commodity on the basis of the samples.

(3) Submitted sample inspection service. A submitted sample inspection service shall be based on a submitted sample of sufficient size to enable official personnel to perform an accurate, complete analysis. The sample size will be prescribed in the instructions. If a complete analysis cannot be performed because of an inadequate sample size or other conditions, the request shall be dismissed or a factor only inspection may be performed upon request.

(b) Order of service. Inspection services shall be performed, to the extent practicable, in the order in which requests for service are received.

(c) Recording receipt of documents. Each document submitted by or on behalf of an applicant for inspection service shall be promptly stamped or similarly marked by official personnel to show the date of receipt.

(d) Conflicts of interest.

(1) Official personnel shall not perform or participate in performing an inspection service on a commodity or a carrier or container in which the official personnel have a direct or indirect financial interest.

(2) Official personnel shall not perform, participate in performing, or issue a certificate if the official personnel participated in a previous inspection or certification of the lot unless there is only one authorized person available at the time and place of the requested inspection service.

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