Procedures for establishing and revising grade standards.

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§ 868.102 Procedures for establishing and revising grade standards.

(a) AMS will develop, revise, suspend, or terminate grade standards if it determines that such action is in the public interest. AMS encourages interested parties to participate in the review, development, and revision of grade standards. Interested parties include growers, producers, processors, shippers, distributors, consumers, trade associations, companies, and State or Federal agencies. Such persons may at any time recommend that AMS develop, revise, suspend, or terminate a grade standard. Requests for action should be in writing, and should be accompanied by a draft of the suggested change, as appropriate.

(b) AMS will:

(1) Determine the need for new or revised standards;

(2) Collect technical, marketing, or other appropriate data;

(3) Conduct research regarding new or revised standards, as appropriate; and

(4) Draft the proposed standards.

(c) If AMS determines that new standards are needed, existing standards need to be revised, or the suspension or termination of existing standards is justified, AMS will undertake the action with input from interested parties.

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