Special grades and special grade requirements.

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§ 810.2005 Special grades and special grade requirements.

(a) Ergoty triticale. Triticale that contains more than 0.10 percent of ergot.

(b) Garlicky triticale. Triticale that contains in a 1,000 gram portion more than six green garlic bulblets or an equivalent quantity of dry or partly dry bulblets.

(c) Light garlicky triticale. Triticale that contains in a 1,000 gram portion two or more, but not more than six, green garlic bulblets or an equivalent quantity of dry or partly dry bulblets.

(d) Light smutty triticale. Triticale that has an unmistakable odor of smut, or that contains in a 250 gram portion smut balls, portions of smut balls, or spores of smut in excess of a quantity equal to 14 smut balls, but not in excess of a quantity equal to 30 smut balls of average size.

(e) Smutty triticale. Triticale that contains in a 250 gram portion smut balls, portions of smut balls, or spores of smut in excess of a quantity equal to 30 smut balls of average size.

[52 FR 24418, June 30, 1987, as amended at 52 FR 24441, June 30, 1987]

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