Period of validity of certificates.

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§ 3300.85 Period of validity of certificates.

In accordance with ATP, Annex 1, Appendix 1, paragraphs 1(b), and Appendix 2, paragraphs 29(c) and 49(b) and (d), considered in combination, certificates will be valid for periods as follows:

(a) For equipment which passes a test, 6 years.

(b) For serially-produced equipment of which 1 percent have passed a test, and all units have been inspected and passed such inspection, 6 years.

(c) For renewal of a U.S. ATP certificate which is nearing its expiration date, where the equipment has passed an inspection but has not been tested, 3 years.

(d) For equipment currently certified according to a U.S. ATP certificate, where the equipment has been transferred from one domestic owner to another and the equipment has passed an inspection, 3 years or the date of expiration of the current U.S. ATP certificate, whichever gives the later expiration date on the new U.S. ATP certificate.

(e) For equipment currently certified according to a Foreign-ATP certificate, where the equipment has been transferred from a foreign owner to a domestic owner and the equipment has passed an inspection, 3 years or the date of expiration of the foreign certificate, whichever gives the later expiration date on the newly issued U.S. ATP certificate.

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