Administrative instructions and interpretation relating to the entry into Guam of plant materials specified in § 319.69.

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§ 319.69a Administrative instructions and interpretation relating to the entry into Guam of plant materials specified in § 319.69.

(a) Plants and products designated in § 319.69(a)(1), (3), (4), and (5) and (b)(1) and (3) as prohibited or restricted entry into the United States from the countries and localities named may be imported into Guam as packing materials without prohibition or restriction under this subpart. Inspection of such importations may be made under the general authority of § 330.105(a) of this chapter. If an importation is found infected, infested, or contaminated with any plant pest and is not subject to disposal under this part, disposition may be made in accordance with § 330.106 of this chapter.

(b) Corn and allied plants listed in § 319.69(a)(2) may be imported into Guam subject to the requirements of §§ 319.69-2, 319.69-3, and 319.69-4.

(c) Under § 319.69(a) (6) and (7), coconut fronds and other parts of the coconut trees are prohibited entry into Guam as packing materials except as permitted in § 319.37-11.

[24 FR 10788, Dec. 29, 1959, as amended at 60 FR 27682, May 25, 1995; 62 FR 65009, Dec. 10, 1997; 83 FR 11866, Mar. 19, 2018]

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