Issuance of permits.

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§ 319.41-3 Issuance of permits.

(a) On approval by the Administrator of the application mentioned in § 319.41-2, a permit will be issued.

(b) For broomcorn and brooms and similar articles made of broomcorn, permits will be issued by the Administrator for such ports as may be designated therein, except that permits will be issued for the entry of broomcorn originating in countries other than those in the North or South American Continents or the West Indies only through the ports of Baltimore, Boston, New York, and Norfolk, or through other northeastern ports which may from time to time be designated in the permit, and at which facilities for treatment of infested material may be available, such entry to be limited to those shipments accompanied by on-board bills of lading dated within the period September 15 through February 15 of the succeeding year, both dates inclusive. Permits will not be issued for the entry of broomcorn from any source through ports on the Pacific Coast.

(c) For shelled corn and for seeds of other plants listed in § 319.41, and for corn on the cob, green or mature, from the land areas designated in § 319.41(b)(2), permits will be issued for ports where the Plant Protection and Quarantine Programs maintains an inspection service and for such other ports as may be designated in the permit.

(d) Pending development of adequate treating facilities in Guam, any of the articles specified in § 319.41-1 that are subject to treatment as a condition of entry therein must first be entered and treated in accordance with the requirements of this subpart at a U.S. port of arrival where such treating facilities are available.

[24 FR 10788, Dec. 29, 1959, as amended at 33 FR 11811, Aug. 21, 1968; 36 FR 24917, Dec. 24, 1971; 78 FR 25571, May 2, 2013]

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