Plant products permitted entry.

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§ 319.41-1 Plant products permitted entry.[1]

Except as restricted from certain countries and localities by special quarantines and other orders now in force,[2] and by such as may hereafter be promulgated, the following articles may be imported:

(a) Subject only to the requirements of paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of § 319.41-5:

(1) Green corn on the cob, in small lots for local use only, from adjacent areas of Canada.

(2) Articles made of the stalks, leaves, or cobs of corn, when prepared, manufactured, or processed in such manner that in the judgment of the inspector no pest risk is involved in their entry.

(3) Corn silk.

(b) Upon compliance with the regulations in this subpart:

(1) Broomcorn for manufacturing purposes, brooms or similar articles made of broomcorn, clean shelled corn, and clean seed of the other plants covered by § 319.41.

(2) Corn on the cob, green or mature, from the provinces of Canada west of and including Manitoba,[3] and from Mexico, Central America, South America, the West Indies, the Bahamas, and Bermuda.

(c) Seed of Indian corn or maize (Zea mays L.) that is free from the cob and from all other parts of corn may be imported into the United States from New Zealand without further restriction.

(d) Immature, dehusked “baby” sweet corn may be imported from Zambia in accordance with § 319.56-2f(a).

[24 FR 10788, Dec. 29, 1959, as amended at 58 FR 44745, Aug. 25, 1993; 71 FR 29769, May 24, 2006]

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