Responsibilities of the Department of Agriculture.

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§ 3100.46 Responsibilities of the Department of Agriculture.

(a) Within the Department, the responsibility for the protection of the cultural environment is assigned to the Office of Environmental Quality (OEQ). The Office is responsible for reviewing the development and implementation of agency procedures and insuring Departmental commitment to cultural resource goals.

(b) The Director of the OEQ is the Secretary's Designee to the ACHP.

(c) In order to carry out cultural resource responsibilities, there will be professional expertise within the OEQ to advise agencies, aid the Department in meeting its cultural resource management goals, and to insure that all Departmental and agency undertakings comply with applicable cultural resource protection legislation and regulations.

(d) The OEQ will be involved in individual compliance cases only where resolution cannot be reached at the agency level. Prior to the decision to refer a matter to the full Council of the ACHP, the OEQ will review the case and make recommendations to the Secretary regarding the position of the Department. The agency also will consult with the OEQ before reaching a final decision in response to the Council's comments. Copies of correspondence relevant to compliance with Section 106 shall be made available to OEQ.

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