Elements of quality and degrees of each element.

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§ 29.6081 Elements of quality and degrees of each element.

These standardized words or terms are used to describe tobacco quality and to assist in interpreting grade specifications. Tobacco attributes or characteristics which constitute quality are designated as elements of quality. The range within each element is expressed by the use of words or terms designated as degrees. These degrees are arranged to show their relative value, but the actual value of each degree varies with type and group.

Expand Table
Elements Degrees
Body Heavy Medium Thin.
Maturity Immature Mature Ripe.
Leaf structure Close Firm Open.
Elasticity Inelastic Semielastic Elastic.
Strength (tensile) Weak Normal Strong.
Width Narrow ......do Spready.
Length (1) (1) (1)
Uniformity (2) (2) (2)
Injury tolerance (2) (2) (2)

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