Symbols and code numbers.

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§ 28.525 Symbols and code numbers.

For administrative convenience, the symbols and code numbers prescribed in this section may be used in lieu of cotton grade names and staple length designations in inches.

(a) Symbols and Code numbers used for Color Grades of American Upland Cotton.

Expand Table
Color grade Symbol Code No.
Good Middling GM 11
Strict Middling SM 21
Middling Mid 31
Strict Low Middling SLM 41
Low Middling LM 51
Strict Good Ordinary SGO 61
Good Ordinary GO 71
Good Middling Light Spotted GM Lt SP 12
Strict Middling Light Spotted SM Lt Sp 22
Middling Light Spotted Mid Lt Sp 32
Strict Low Middling Light Spotted SLM Lt Sp 42
Low Middling Light Spotted LM Lt Sp 52
Stict Good Ordinary Light Spotted SGO Lt Sp 62
Good Middling Spotted GM Sp 13
Strict Middling Spotted SM Sp 23
Middling Spotted Mid Sp 33
Strict Low Middling Spotted SLM Sp 43
Low Middling Spotted LM Sp 53
Strict Good Ordinary Spotted SGO Sp 63
Strict Middling Tinged SM Tg 24
Middling Tinged Mid Tg 34
Strict Low Middling Tinged SLM Tg 44
Low Middling Tinged LM Tg 54
Strict Middling Yellow Stained SM YS 25
Middling Yellow Stained Mid YS 35
Below Grade - (Below Good Ordinary) BG 81
Below Grade - (Below Strict Good Ordinary Light Spotted) BG 82
Below Grade - (Below Strict Good Ordinary Spotted) BG 83
Below Grade - (Below Low Middling Tinged) BG 84
Below Grade - (Below Middling Yellow Stained) BG 85

(b) Symbols and Code Numbers used for Leaf Grades of American Upland Cotton.

Expand Table
Leaf grade Symbol Code No.
Leaf Grade 1 LG1 1
Leaf Grade 2 LG2 2
Leaf Grade 3 LG3 3
Leaf Grade 4 LG4 4
Leaf Grade 5 LG5 5
Leaf Grade 6 LG6 6
Leaf Grade 7 LG7 7
Below Leaf Grade BLG 8

(c) Symbols and Code Numbers for Color Grades of American Pima Cotton.

Expand Table
Full grade name Symbol Code No.
Color Grade No. 1 AP C1 01
Color Grade No. 2 AP C2 02
Color Grade No. 3 AP C3 03
Color Grade No. 4 AP C4 04
Color Grade No. 5 AP C5 05
Color Grade No. 6 AP C6 06
Color Grade No. 7 AP C7 07

(d) Symbols and Code Numbers for Leaf Grades of American Pima Cotton.

Expand Table
Full grade name Symbol Code No.
Leaf Grade No. 1 AP L1 1
Leaf Grade No. 2 AP L2 2
Leaf Grade No. 3 AP L3 3
Leaf Grade No. 4 AP L4 4
Leaf Grade No. 5 AP L5 5
Leaf Grade No. 6 AP L6 6
Leaf Grade No. 7 AP L7 7

(e) Code numbers for Length of Staple Designations.

Expand Table
Length of staple - inches Code No.
Below 1316 24
1316 26
78 28
2932 29
1516 30
3132 31
1 32
1132 33
1116 34
1332 35
118 36
1532 37
1316 38
1732 39
114 40
1932 41
1516 42
11132 43
138 44
11332 45
1716 46
11532 47
112 48
11732 49
1916 50
11932 51
158 52
12132 53
11116 54
12332 55
134 56

[32 FR 8760, June 20, 1967, as amended at 50 FR 25198, June 18, 1985; 51 FR 23039, June 25, 1986; 57 FR 34499, Aug. 5, 1992; 65 FR 36601, June 9, 2000]

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