Recordkeeping and reviews.

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§ 250.54 Recordkeeping and reviews.

(a) Recordkeeping requirements for the recipient agency. The recipient agency must maintain the following records relating to the use of donated foods in its contract with the food service management company:

(1) The donated foods and processed end products received and provided to the food service management company for use in the recipient agency's food service;

(2) Documentation that the food service management company has credited it for the value of all donated foods received for use in the recipient agency's food service in the school or fiscal year, including, in accordance with the requirements in § 250.51(a), the value of donated foods contained in processed end products; and

(3) The actual donated food values used in crediting.

(b) Recordkeeping requirements for the food service management company. The food service management company must maintain the following records relating to the use of donated foods in its contract with the recipient agency:

(1) The donated foods and processed end products received from, or on behalf of, the recipient agency, for use in the recipient agency's food service;

(2) Documentation that it has credited the recipient agency for the value of all donated foods received for use in the recipient agency's food service in the school or fiscal year, including, in accordance with the requirements in § 250.51(a), the value of donated foods contained in processed end products; and

(3) Documentation of its procurement of processed end products on behalf of the recipient agency, as applicable.

(c) Review requirements for the recipient agency. The recipient agency must ensure that the food service management company is in compliance with the requirements of this part through its monitoring of the food service operation, as required in 7 CFR parts 210, 225, or 226, as applicable. The recipient agency must also conduct a reconciliation at least annually (and upon termination of the contract) to ensure that the food service management company has credited it for the value of all donated foods received for use in the recipient agency's food service in the school or fiscal year, including, in accordance with the requirements in § 250.51(a), the value of donated foods contained in processed end products.

(d) Departmental reviews of food service management companies. The Department may conduct reviews of food service management company operations, as necessary, to ensure compliance with the requirements of this part with respect to the use and management of donated foods.

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