Contract provisions.

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§ 250.53 Contract provisions.

(a) Required contract provisions in fixed-price contracts. The following provisions relating to the use of donated foods must be included, as applicable, in a recipient agency's fixed-price contract with a food service management company. Such provisions must also be included in procurement documents. The required provisions are:

(1) A statement that the food service management company must credit the recipient agency for the value of all donated foods received for use in the recipient agency's meal service in the school year or fiscal year (including both entitlement and bonus foods), and including the value of donated foods contained in processed end products, in accordance with the contingencies in § 250.51(a);

(2) The method and frequency by which crediting will occur, and the means of documentation to be utilized to verify that the value of all donated foods has been credited;

(3) The method of determining the donated food values to be used in crediting, in accordance with § 250.51(c), or the actual donated food values;

(4) Any activities relating to donated foods that the food service management company will be responsible for, in accordance with § 250.50(d), and assurance that such activities will be performed in accordance with the applicable requirements in 7 CFR part 250;

(5) A statement that the food service management company will use all donated beef and pork products, and all processed end products, in the recipient agency's food service;

(6) A statement that the food service management company will use all other donated foods, or will use commercially purchased foods of the same generic identity, of U.S. origin, and of equal of better quality than the donated foods, in the recipient agency's food service;

(7) Assurance that the procurement of processed end products on behalf of the recipient agency, as applicable, will ensure compliance with the requirements in subpart C of 7 CFR part 250 and with the provisions of distributing or recipient agency processing agreements, and will ensure crediting of the recipient agency for the value of donated foods contained in such end products at the processing agreement value;

(8) Assurance that the food service management company will not itself enter into the processing agreement with the processor required in subpart C of 7 CFR part 250;

(9) Assurance that the food service management company will comply with the storage and inventory requirements for donated foods;

(10) A statement that the distributing agency, subdistributing agency, or recipient agency, the Comptroller General, the Department of Agriculture, or their duly authorized representatives, may perform onsite reviews of the food service management company's food service operation, including the review of records, to ensure compliance with requirements for the management and use of donated foods;

(11) A statement that the food service management company will maintain records to document its compliance with requirements relating to donated foods, in accordance with § 250.54(b); and

(12) A statement that extensions or renewals of the contract, if applicable, are contingent upon the fulfillment of all contract provisions relating to donated foods.

(b) Required contract provisions in cost-reimbursable contracts. A cost-reimbursable contract must include the same provisions as those required for a fixed-price contract in paragraph (a) of this section. Such provisions must also be included in procurement documents. However, a cost-reimbursable contract must also contain a statement that the food service management company will ensure that its system of inventory management will not result in the recipient agency being charged for donated foods.

[73 FR 46185, Aug. 8, 2008, as amended at 81 FR 23111, Apr. 19, 2016]

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